Reviews: Books and movies
"Exit Opera by Kim Addonizio." SPLICE TODAY. 11 Feb 25.
"Girl on Girl by Emily Costa." Book review. SPLICE TODAY. 31 Jan 2025. "A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness: The Novels of Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba." DENVER QUARTERLY. Vol 58, No 4, 2024. Print. "scumbag summer by Jillian Luft." SPLICE TODAY. July 19, 2024. "Bringing Up More Wildness: A Review of Wilderness Tales: Forty Stories of the North American Wild." ECOTHEO. March 21, 2024. "The Savages of Civilization: FERAL by Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba." RECKON REVIEW. November 10, 2023. "Chronicling Julian Assange and Wikileaks." Movie review of Ithaka. SPLICE TODAY. 28 April 2023. "The Why Files: a review." SPLICE TODAY. 17 Nov 2022. "The Pez Outlaw." Movie review. SPLICE TODAY. 13 Oct 2022. "Heaven In Disorder by Slavoj Žižek." SPLICE TODAY. 25 Jan 2022. "Pekolah Stories by Amanda Bales." SPLICE TODAY. 20 Jan 2022. "Nudes by Elle Nash." SPLICE TODAY. 18 Jan 2022. "Xstabeth by David Keenan." SPLICE TODAY. 10 Dec 21. "Tides by Sara Freeman." SPLICE TODAY. 7 Dec 21. "Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz." SPLICE TODAY. 1 Dec 21. "Cry Macho." Blog exclusive! 10 Oct 2021. Kate. Movie review. SPLICE TODAY. 21 Sep 2021. "Gillian Welch's Boots." Essay/review. SPLICE TODAY. January 2021. "Clean Energy Has A Dirty Secret." Book review of Bright Green Lies by Derrick Jensen et alia. SPLICE TODAY. 25 Nov 2021. "Hashtag Good Guy With A Gun by Jeff Chon." Book review. SPLICE TODAY. 4 May 2021. "Kim Addonizio on Top of the World." SPLICE TODAY. 15 April 2021. "Nomadland: book vs. movie." SPLICE TODAY. 13 April 2021. "Workers Don't Go To Workshops." Book review of Mark Novak's Social Poetics. SPLICE TODAY. 23 Nov 2020. "Blind Liberation." Book review of The Management of Savagery by Max Blumenthal. SPLICE TODAY. November 17th, 2020. "Lima :: Limón by Natalie Scenters-Zapico." POETRY NORTHWEST. Summer 2020. "The West Will Swallow You by Leath Tonino." QUARTERLY WEST. Summer 2020. "Desert Cabal by Amy Irvine." DEEP WILD: WRITING FROM THE BACKCOUNTRY. Summer 2020. Print. Order the issue here! Review now up at my blog. "Best American Poetry 2019: A Review in the Style of Dante's Inferno." RADICAL: A LIT ZINE. Fall 2020. Print. "Our Death by Sean Bonney." Blog exclusive! April 2020. "Scarstruck by Violet LeVoit." ENTROPY. April 2019. "House of the Cardamom Seed by Penelope Scambly Schott." EMPTY MIRROR. January 2019. "The Mathematics of the Breath and the Way: On Writers and Writing by Charles Bukowski." EMPTY MIRROR. December 2018. "Trickster Feminism by Anne Waldman." GRAVEL. December 2018. "America: The Farewell Tour by Chris Hedges." November 2018. Blog exclusive! "Eat The Apple by Matt Young." September 2018. Blog exclusive! "American Sonnets For My Past and Future Assassin by Terrance Hayes." Book review. EMPTY MIRROR. September 2018. "The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner." August 2018. Blog exclusive! The Courage of Hopelessness: A Year of Living Dangerously by Slavoj Zizek. ENTROPY. June 2018. Mortal Trash by Kim Addonizio. EMPTY MIRROR. May 2018. Kill All Normies: The online culture wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the alt-right and Trump by Angela Nagle. Book Review. Zer0 Books 2017. Blog exclusive! January 2018. Trouble In Paradise: From The End of History to The End of Capitalism by Slavoj Zizek. Blog exclusive. November 2017. Schadenfreude, A Love Story: Me, The Germans, and 20 Years of Attempted Transformations, Unfortunate Miscommunications, and Humiliating Situations That Only They Have Words For by Rebecca Schuman. GRAVEL. November 2017. Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist: And Other Essays by Paul Kingsnorth. ENTROPY. October 2017. At The Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being and Apricot Cocktails by Sarah Bakewell. ENTROPY. October 2017. I'm Not A Plastic Bag by Rachel Hope Allison. CLOCKWISE CAT. April 2017. Video Tonfa by Tim Goodyear. CLOCKWISE CAT. Scheduled to appear Fall 2017. Stairway To Heaven by Alison Hawthorne Deming. At my blog. March 2017. The Sobbing School by Joshua Bennett. At my blog. March 2017. "Problems by Jade Sharma." WORD RIOT (now defunct). August 2016. Now at my blog! PARECOMIC: Participatory Economics for Beginners. COMICS BULLETIN. July 2016. Certain Magical Acts by Alice Notley. ENTROPY. June 2016. Voice's Daughter by Anne Waldman. ENTROPY. June 2016. Pretentiousness: Why It Matters by Dan Fox. ENTROPY. May 2016. A Woman of Property by Robyn Schiff. ENTROPY. April 2016. They And We Will Get Get In Trouble For This by Anna Moschovakis. ENTROPY. April 2016. Superior Packets: Three Books by Susie Timmons. ENTROPY. March/April 2016. Elise Cowen: Poems and Fragments ed. Tony Trigilio. ENTROPY. March 2016. Divinity School by Alicia Jo Rabins. ENTROPY. March 2016. Dead Man's Float by Jim Harrison. ENTROPY. March 2016. Caribou by Charles Wright. ENTROPY. March 2016. It Shouldn't Have Been Beautiful by Lia Purpura. ENTROPY. February 2016. Speaking At A Time by Ameilia Díaz Ettinger. ENTROPY. February 2016. Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite by William Deresiewicz. ENTROPY. Coming in November 2015. Going Down Grand: Poems From The Canyon. Anthology. Edited by Rick Kempa and Peter Anderson. ENTROPY. Coming October/November 2015. The Bell Tolls For No One by Charles Bukowski. ENTROPY. October 2015. RED ROSA: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg. COMICS BULLETIN. October 2015. The Other Serious: Essays For The New American Generation by Christy Wampole. ENTROPY. October 2015. On Writing by Charles Bukowski. ENTROPY. October 2015. Narcisa by Jonathan Shaw. ENTROPY. July 2015. The Age of Selfishness: Ayn Ran, Morality, And The Financial Crisis by Darryl Cunningham. COMICS BULLETIN. August 2015. Operation Ajax: The Story of the CIA Coup That Remade The Middle East by Mike De Seve and Daniel Burwen. COMICS BULLETIN. August 2015. A Solemn Pleasure by Melissa Pritchard. ENTROPY. June 2015. My Feelings by Nick Flynn. ENTROPY. June 2015. The Tijuana Book of the Dead by Luis Alberto Urrea. ENTROPY. Scheduled for May 2015. This Present Moment by Gary Snyder. ENTROPY. May 2015. LA LUCHA: The Story of Lucha Castro and Human Rights in Mexico by Jon Sack. COMICS BULLETIN. April 2015. Blackboard: A personal history of the classroom by Lewis Buzbee. ENTROPY. April 2015. Culture Crash: Killing of the Creative Class by Scott Timberg. ENTROPY. March 2015. Getting Schooled: The Reeducation of an American Teacher by Garret Keizer. ENTROPY. March 2015. "The Palace of Illusions by Kim Addonizio." WORD RIOT (now defunct). February 2015. Now at my blog! Information Doesn't Want To Be Free: Laws For The Internet Age by Cory Doctorow. ENTROPY. February 2015. Twenty Poems That Could Save America by Tony Hoagland. A review. ENTROPY. January 2015. SYLLABUS: Notes From An Accidental Professor by Lynda Barry. COMICS BULLETIN. December 2014. "A Louder Than Hell Review" CLOCKWISE CAT. December 2014. Words For Pictures by Brian Michael Bendis. Book review. COMICS BULLETIN. August 2014. Frank Miller and BIG DAMN SIN CITY. COMICS BULLETIN. August 2014. How The World Was: A California Childhood by Emmanuel Guibert. COMICS BULLETIN. CAPITALISM MUST DIE! by Stephanie McMillan. A review. COMICS BULLETIN. June 2014. Weapons of Mass Diplomacy by Abel Lanzac. A review. COMICS BULLETIN. June 2014. Family Ties: An Alaskan Crime Drama by Eric Hobbs. COMICS BULLETIN. May 2014. Climate Changed: A Personal Journey Through The Science by Philippe Squarzoni. COMICS BULLETIN. May 2014. The Minimum Security Chronicles: Resistance To Ecocide: A Review. COMICS BULLETIN. April 2014. Dynamite's Many Faces of Red Sonja. COMICS BULLETIN. February 2014. "What I've Stolen, What I've Earned by Sherman Alexie: A Review." WORD RIOT (defunct). February 2014. Now at my blog. “The Day of the Triffids by David Wyndham.” WORD RIOT (defunct). Fall 2013. Now at my blog. "Who Will Save Red Sonja? Enter Gail Simone." Review/essay. COMICS BULLETIN. December 2013. “Ten Thousand Voices by Rick Kempa.” RATTLE. Summer 2013. “Keeping The Quiet by Rick Kempa.” BOXCAR POETRY REVIEW Spring 2011. “The Poetry and Life of Allen Ginsberg: a narrative poem by Edward Sanders: A Review.” CLOCKWISE CAT. Issue #18 Summer 2010. “American Salvage by Bonnie Jo Campbell: A Review.” Issue #7 February 2010. “The Great Fires by Jack Gilbert: A Book Review” RATTLE #23. Fall 2005. Print. |
More movie and music reviews:
"Them That Follow." Movie review. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. August 2019. Destroyer. Film review. Starring Nicole Kidman. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. March 2019. "JINJER: King of Everything." Music review. ENTROPY. May 2017. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. ENTROPY. February 2017. Welcome To Me. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. May 2015. Mad Max: Fury Road. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. May 2015. EX MACHINA. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. May 2015. Avengers: Age of Ultron. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. May 2015. While We're Young. PSYCHO DRIVE-IN. May 2015. Maps To The Stars. PYSCHO DRIVE-IN. March 2015. Whiplash. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. March 2015. A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. February 2015. The Homesman. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. December 2014. Mockingjay Part 1. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. November 2014. CitizenFour. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. November 2014. The Book of Life. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. October 2014. Jodorowsky's Dune. PSYCHO DRIVE IN. October 2014. Also: Minimalist Footwear Reviews at John's Barefoot Running Blog |